Yes, it’s true. I got my California real estate license! Here’s why…
Reason #1
We were in the market to buy a house and invest in real estate but all the realtors I talked to just weren’t doing it for me.
The one was so rude, like obnoxiously rude and basically told me he didn’t have time for me because he was the #1 real estate team in the county (he’s not BTW).
A few never got back to me. Another was too pushy. And another didn’t seem to have any confidence so I said, F it, and decided to do it all myself! … which is what I’ve pretty much done my entire life anyway.
The one thing I’ve realized after being in business for myself is if someone tells you no or you can’t find the right person for the job, you have to take matters into your own hands. Everything can be figured out, it just depends how much time, money, and energy you’re willing to invest in figuring it out.
Can’t get a job in fashion? Start a blog. Want to work at an agency? Create your own. Want to have your own show? Start a YouTube channel. There’s literally a solution for anything you want to do in life.
Reason #2
All signs have been pointing to it for a while… like, my whole life.
Here were my signs:
1. My family’s been in real estate for 20 years.
2. I worked in real estate throughout high school, college, and even while I was a teacher.
3. My first job offer in NYC was in real estate.
4. My first NAB Media Group client was a real estate agent.
5. Before we left NYC, my landlord was so impressed with my negotiation skills he offered me a job in real estate.
6. When we found a house we wanted to buy, it was FSBO (For Sale By Owner) and after negotiating with the owner, he told me I should be a realtor.
The list goes on.
Reason #3
We were in a pandemic and there wasn’t a whole lot to do so why not?
After almost a decade of blood, sweat, and tears, my social media agency is finally at a place where it runs like a well oiled machine so I have time to focus on other things.
I wanted to do something during the quarantine so first I started taking Italian lessons… Then I ran into the realtor problem, so I stopped Italian and started studying for my real estate test and here we are.
Reason #4
It’s always a good thing to have.
Having your real estate license will only benefit you and your career no matter what industry you’re in. It teaches you SO much about sales, psychology, self-discipline, etc.
In fact, a lot of what I learned to become an influencer and start NAB Media Group I got from working in real estate for so long. It’s extremely entrepreneurial and the sky is the limit for how much you can earn. Plus, most everyone will buy, sell, or invest in real estate at some point in their lives so why not be their go-to realtor to help them along the way?
what’s next?
A question a lot of you had was, what’s this mean for NAB? Will I still blog, share on Instagram, continue with The Blogger Blueprint, etc.? The answer is yes!
Though, I can’t say for sure what the future holds, I know that marketing and real estate go hand in hand so continuing to expand NAB Media Group and sell real estate is in the plan… for now. 🙂
Have you ever considered getting into real estate? Share your story with me below!
P.s. Be sure to follow my new real estate account @notanotherbroker – so much value for buyers and sellers!

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