Now that you know how to add value you need to know what value to add. The type of value you add will look different for everyone depending on your blog and business but you can use a few unique strategies for the same result.
Dissect your niche
Knowing what value to add is pretty difficult without a niche. So first things first: narrow down your niche or the topics you want to discuss on your platform. You can learn exactly how to find your niche HERE.
Next, you want to do a deep dive into your niche by putting yourself in your audience’s shoes and asking ‘What would I want to know about X?‘ Adding value is answering a question, solving a problem, or improving people’s lives, so all of your content should do that in some way.
For example, half of my niche is style. A problem I was having was finding a bathing suit that worked for girls with thicker bottoms so the way I added value was by sharing the best bathing suits for big booty babes.
The other half of my niche is self-development. I got into self-development when I was unemployed after college. If you’ve ever been unemployed you know it’s not a great feeling. I was feeling super negative, angry, pessimistic, and resentful so I realized I needed to change my attitude if I wanted my life to change, which is why I started reading self-help books and going to the gym.
Not only did I write a blog post about the books that changed my life but I also started sharing my workouts on Instagram Stories, which I continue to do every day. This type of content adds value for people who might be in a similar situation.
I’m able to consistently add value by breaking down my niche into products, strategies, and techniques that helped me, which in turn will help other people. Dissecting your niche to add value is combining your life’s experiences with tips and solutions you found that improved your life and are likely to improve someone else’s.

Pick a value
Which form of value do you gravitate toward – inspiration, education, or entertainment? Ideally, you want to hit all 3 but that can be a challenge at first and may overwhelm you, so start with 1.
If you don’t know which one you’re drawn to the most then go back and take a look at your past content and compare it to the type of value your current content provides. If you’re a fitness influencer maybe the value you add is inspiration through daily workouts and transformation photos. If you’re a beauty blogger maybe the value you add is through educating your audience on how to do their make up. Or maybe you don’t add value at all… yet, which is totally fine!
I primarily add value by educating my audience through style and social media tips. In fact, this blog post does just that since you’re learning about what value to add to your own content. Most of my content from my blog posts to Instagram Stories to YouTube videos teach you something. I was a teacher before I was a blogger so educating is something that comes naturally to me.
What comes naturally to you? Are you the class clown (entertainer), problem solving book nerd (educator), or trend setter (inspirer)?
Anticipate what your audience wants
Once you’ve been blogging for a while you can start to kind of read your audience’s minds. You’ll know the questions they’re about to ask, the details they want to know, and the content they want to see. The best part about this is that you can be one step ahead of them by providing all the information up front. This will save both you and your audience time while adding a ton of value.
But what if you don’t know what your audience wants? Think about what you would want. I know for me when I see an influencer in a cute outfit I want to know where the outfit is from. I figure if I want to know where someone’s outfit is from, someone probably wants to know where my outfit is from, which is why I list all those details in the caption of my IG photos (an example of providing all the info. up front). I’ll even do you one better and link the exact outfit on my IG Story! Sometimes I share the size I’m wearing as well which helps my audience decide which size would work for them.
You can use this same strategy with virtually any piece of content.
Let’s say you post a picture of your living room… share where everything is from with a link on IG Stories. Let’s say you post a delicious meal… give us the recipe! If you video yourself doing a workout, tell us how many reps you do, or if you stayed in the chicest hotel on your vacation, tag the hotel and your location so we can book!
You see what I mean? Make your audience’s lives easier by providing answers to questions they haven’t even asked yet and you’ll quickly become their favorite influencer.

What else do you want to know about adding value? Ask me anything in the comments below!
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