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  • black friday sales 2016

    The Best Black Friday Finds

    Following me on Snapchat you can probably guess that I have a slight shopping addiction (said every blogger ever). It seems like I’m getting new stuff all the time but I…

  • how to price yourself as a blogger

    Collabs 101: How to Price Yourself & Your Work

    Money is one of the most uncomfortable subjects for a lot of people, but especially new businesses, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. Some hit the ground running and price themselves too high and…

  • 3 Sweaters for In & Out of the Office

    I used to never mix and match my workwear with my non-workwear until recently. I used to keep my office outfits completely separate from my out of office outfits. But now I love…

  • blogger favorite jackets

    My 3 Favorite Jackets for Fall

    As I’ve mentioned before, fall is my favorite time. I love layering just enough where you’re warm but you can still see your entire outfit. I also love wearing chic, lightweight…

  • nyc blogger

    5 Outfits for Fall

    Like every other blogger, fall is also my favorite time of the year. It’s still warm where you don’t need a parka but it’s chilly enough where you can layer and…