Mother’s Day Delight | 10 Things My Mom Taught Me (Brace Yourself)

mother's day 2015Mother’s Day is just around the corner and that calls for a Mother’s Day delight. It was hard to write a list of just 10 things my mom has taught me because she gives me new insight, without fail, every single day. It was also hard to think of the best of the best, but I thought about what I’d teach my kids or what I would say if someone ever asked me about what my mom taught me. She could write a Bestseller, she’s that good.

I sometimes wish she wasn’t my mom so she could be my therapist, that way she wouldn’t be so bias, but that’s why I love her. She assures me everything is going to be ok even when I’m convinced my life is over. Anyway, this advice will save your life, relationship, career, friendship, and/or dream just like it did mine.

enjoy the journey

Cliche? Maybe. If you’re solely focussed on your next destination, you’ll miss out on the adventure of getting there. Enjoy every moment and experience it whole heartedly.

never say no

This actually came from my Grandmom to my mom in reference to how she managed to keep my Pop-pop from picking up strays, if you catch my drift. She said, “I never said no to your father”. And there you have it ladies.

watch your delivery

It’s not always what you say, but how you say it.

everything you want will happen, just not right when you want it

You can have it all, just not all at the same time. My mom’s success came at different stages of her life… I mean, she met her soulmate just 5 years ago!

loose lips sink ships

Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want anyone to know. Don’t talk about someone if you don’t want it getting back to them. Bridges will get burned and judgements will be formed. Think before you speak.

save your money

… or else you won’t have any.

think before you act

Proactive > reactive. When you’re reactive tempers fly and things are said and done that may have regrets. To avoid this, always collect all facets of information before taking rash action.

My mom has said I’m a very impulsive person. I beg to differ. Nevertheless, I have learned to thoroughly think through any decision before I make it, so now I’m indecisive.

you teach people how to treat you

If you allow yourself to be a doormat, you will be treated as such. On the other hand if you’re arrogant, no one will approach you. Set the precedent of how you want to be treated in the beginning of any professional, romantic, or platonic relationship because that will make or break your entire experience.

opportunity doesn’t just fall in your lap

If you want something, you have to take action to make it happen. Life isn’t about luck. You have to take risks. You will have more regret for what you didn’t do than what you did do. Send the resume, submit an article, join, whatever steps you can take to get you to where you want to be: take them!

gratitude is the only attitude

In order to get more of what you want, you have to be grateful for what you already have. There is always something to be grateful for. Write it down every day.

I hope you all have a fantastic Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day, mommy, I love you.

What has your mom taught you? Tell me in the comments below!


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