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  • the best influencer course

    The Only Influencer Course You Need

    7 years ago I set out on my path to become a blogger. I didn’t actually know what I was doing until about year 4. And just 3 years ago I…

  • not-another-blonde-blog-story

    My Blog Story

    Well, it’s been almost a decade and I’m finally sharing my blog story… I tend to shy away from the more personal posts because, well they’re personal! And to be honest…

  • how to use crystals

    Spiritual Rituals: Crystals

    Next in line to vision boards, Himalayan salt lamps, and tarot cards, are my beloved crystals. Some of you might be thinking ‘but it’s just a rock’ and some of you…

  • himalayan salt lamp

    Spiritual Rituals: Salt Lamps

    And we’re back with more Spiritual Rituals talking about salt lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are one of those things you either love or hate. There’s really no in between. To be completely…

  • how to make a vision board

    Spiritual Rituals: Vision Boards

    One of my favorite things in the whole world are vision boards. I love being able to plan my future by way of visualization. As we learned in last week’s “spiritual…

  • how to use tarot cards

    Spiritual Rituals: Tarot Cards

    For the first time ever I had my tarot cards read for the entire year. That’s right, 1 hour and 15 minutes later and my future was all laid out for me. And…